Committed to your beauty and well-being
We work to meticulously enhance each person’s natural beauty, using different aesthetic techniques responsibly and ethically.
HC Aesthetic
HC Aesthetic is HC Marbella International Hospital’s Aesthetic Unit, sharing the values of excellence, commitment, quality and safety which define the centre.
Focused on you
We believe in personalised medicine, each patient is unique, as is the approach to their case. We assess the person’s skin type, physiognomy, age, weight and medical history. Whilst also being sensitive to their needs and expectations.
Tengo que agradecer la tranquilidad, confianza y el trato recibidos en la Unidad de Estética de HC Marbella, por hacerme sentir así (que no es fácil). Desde el asesoramiento y simpatía de Laura (la sonrisa detrás de la mascarilla) hasta el consejo médico e impecable proceder de la Dra. Cárdenas (guapa por dentro y por fuera). Mi agradecimiento más sincero por todo.J.C.A.
Before and After
Resurfacing CO2 Laser