Deep Hydration

Aesthetic medicine facial treatment

High-purity, high and low molecular weight, hyaluronic acid is used for this treatment, with no added reticular agents and with excellent biocompatibility, meaning it is particularly safe and provides excellent results.

It is applied using the BAP (Bio Aesthetic Points) technique designed for the upper middle third of the face, in which 5 injection points are used in anatomically receptive areas, in each side of the face, minimising the risks but maximising diffusion of the product. This results in fewer injections and fewer sessions.

The BAP (BIO AESTHETIC POINTS) application technique is intended for the upper middle third of the face, an area particularly predisposed to dermal atrophy caused by aging.


The BAP technique consists of focusing application on 5 injection points in each side of the face, where 0.2 ml of special Profhilo hyaluronic acid is deposited in the deep dermis.


These 5 points indicate 5 anatomically receptive areas of the face where there are no large blood vessels or nerve branches. This ensures the risks are minimised whilst diffusion of the product is maximised in the malar and submalar areas.


The BAP technique allows:

  • A reduction in the number of injections
  • A reduction in the number of sessions


Bioregenerating action, with a hydrating and tightening effect, combating skin laxity. Achieving very natural results. It is also used as a preventative treatment in young patients.

Care Afterwards

Return to normal daily routine after treatment, although physical activity, damp places, sun exposure and high temperatures are not recommended for 48 hours and the skin should be kept dry for 2 hours afterwards.

Session Duration

15 minutes.

Appearance of results

These can be noticed from the application of treatment, but they become more visible from the third or fourth day.

Duration of results

For a lasting effect, a second session is required after one month, repeating the cycle is then advisable twice a year.